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There are two layers of engagement in my project. One is participation. Back in 1988, Meece et al. (1988) set a model for cognitive engagement in the classroom. Engagement from an educational point of view is seen as the learner participation, and interaction with the learning material, learning activities, and the learning community. Based on the first layer of engagement, the other is students are interested in participation and enjoy it, that is, reading interests, which serves as one of motivations of reading. A study conducted by Peter Broeder and Mia Stokmans (2013) shows that motivation to read, based on reading attitude and social pressure can only be converted into actual reading behavior. In this sense, promoting students’ engagement means stimulating students’ motivation and reading interests, attract students’ participation, and help student with enjoyable reading process. Reading interests, the experience of reading, the motivation of reading can influence learners' emotion, which will take effect on students learning and produce a negative circle. 

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